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Los Angeles Sanitation and Environment is planning to start construction along Lankershim Blvd in the next coming weeks. This project will feature 12 rain gardens and 32 trees that will span Lankershim Blvd between Victory Blvd and Burbank Blvd. The goals of the project are to improve water quality, capture stormwater that would otherwise go to the ocean, provide greening and beautification to the street, and to reduce localized flooding.

Construction will begin in the end of February and will be completed in the month of April. Temporary “No-Parking” signs will be posted in construction zones. Construction will take place in the parkway area. Sidewalk access is expected to be open for the duration of the project. Every effort will be made to keep the streets available for parking whenever possible.

Additional information is attached below For any questions and concerns, please contact the City of Los Angeles, Public Affairs Office at publicworks.publicaffairs@lacity.org or (213) 978-0333.


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    NHCA Local Control and Accountability Plan 2024-25


    Announcement: The deadline for proposals has moved to April 11,  2022, by 4pm. Due to the school building being closed on April 8, 2022.  Please follow the instructions in the RFP for delivery details.


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