Home / Announcements / Update regarding Outdoor Masking


Good Morning Parents and Guardians and Students of New Horizons Charter Academy,

Please read below our Update regarding Outdoor Masking.

Outdoor Masking Update: Effective February 22, 2022

As California experiences a downturn in certain health metrics, including case rates, test positivity, and hospitalizations, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (LACDPH) are reassessing and adjusting their health and safety guidelines, specific to schools and mega events.

In alignment with Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and with Los Angeles Unified School District, outside masking outdoors will be optional for all individuals at New Horizons Charter Academy and students attending on Los Angeles Unified School District facilities effective February 22, 2022.
Starting tomorrow, February 22nd, masks are no longer required while outdoors for K-12 Schools, Youth Sports, or in Childcare settings, per the LACDPH Health Order update (Issue Date: Feb. 15, 2022). Masking is still recommended at crowded outdoor events. All individuals on campus will continue wearing masks indoors, but will no longer need to wear one while outside – entering/exiting school, during outdoor physical education, on the playground, etc.

California will spend the next two weeks further evaluating COVID-19 data and conditions before making a determination on the future of masks in schools, the state’s top health official said Monday. The CDPH plans to provide additional information on February 28th. To review the full Health Order Update, please access the LACDPH website.

Students and staff will continue to wear masks indoors at all times.

Thank you for your continued efforts to maintain safety during these challenging times.
Mr. Thomas


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    NHCA Local Control and Accountability Plan 2024-25


    Announcement: The deadline for proposals has moved to April 11,  2022, by 4pm. Due to the school building being closed on April 8, 2022.  Please follow the instructions in the RFP for delivery details.


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