Home / Announcements / Message from the President of the Parent in Action Committee

Jannet Curiel

Hello Parents!

I am the President of the Parent in Action Committee, and I would like to welcome you to the new school year! I am very excited for this year to get started and I know it will be a success with your help!  We will discuss different ideas for fundraising for our school as well as come up with other ways parents can participate in school events that will foster a sense of community and support. Hope to see you there!

In addition, for our first fundraiser, Back to School Night, we need your help buying tickets or selling them at school! They are $7 dinner tickets for the evening. If you have a child in the grades 5th through 8th, your Back to School Night is Thursday, the 22nd of September. If you have a child in Kindergarten through 4th grade, your Back to School Night is Tuesday, the 27th of September. Get your tickets at the office soon!

Lastly, every classroom must have a room parent, a liaison between the class and the rest of the school, so we need parents to sign up! You can sign up in the office or in your child’s classroom.

Thank you for all your help and support! Looking forward to meeting you and working with you to make this year a great one!

Kind Regards,

Jannet Curiel
President, Parent in Action Committee 


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    NHCA Local Control and Accountability Plan 2024-25


    Announcement: The deadline for proposals has moved to April 11,  2022, by 4pm. Due to the school building being closed on April 8, 2022.  Please follow the instructions in the RFP for delivery details.


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